Sunday, January 23, 2011

17 weeks!

   I had my 17 week check up on Wednesday afternoon, and little Bill has a nice strong heartbeat of 140bpm.  Unfortunately, I did not get to see an ultrasound of the little beansprout, but hearing the heartbeat always makes my day.  Iron levels, and blood pressure both checked out for me as well, so no further testing is needed.  My belly is measuring 39 1/2 inches right now!
   Since David is training in Arkansas right now we are going to wait to find out the sex until he gets back in February.  We can't wait to see our little one, since our last ultrasound was at 8 weeks!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

15 weeks with baby Bill

  David and I had the best news ever when I saw that oh so wonderful positive pregnancy result on a home pregnancy test.  I had my first ultrasound (internal) at 8 weeks, and fell in love with our little Beansprout's tiny little features immediately. 

   After this intial visit I was bursting to tell the news to everyone, but managed to keep it a secret at work until the end of the first trimester.  Incidentally week 12 is also when my belly just popped right out!
12 weeks! <3

At 12 weeks and 3 days David and I went for a second doctors appointment where we heard Beansprout's heartbeat.  It clocked in at 155 beats per minute.  We didn't get to see an ultrasound though, but hearing the wonderful sound of our baby's heartbeat made us even more anxious to meet our little one.  

14 weeks! <3

  The end of the first trimester brought about much relief, and I have found my energy again, and can now stomach food and different smells.  Wonderful news because David was getting tired of cereal every night!  We are now anxiously awaiting my 17 week appointment where we may be able to find out Beansprout's gender. 

   In preperation for the arrival of our little Sprout, David has spent the weekend painting the nursery and putting the crib together.  He painstakingly taped off and painted the stripes I wanted on the walls, and they turned out GREAT! I can't wait to finish decorating the room!