Sunday, May 15, 2011

33 weeks and counting down to meet Kaylee Dee!

Kaylee has become very active lately, particularly enjoying spending time in mommy's ribcage.  I can't wait for her to flip over! Before deploying, I recorded David reading her "The Pirate Cruncher" which I play for her every night.  She has taken to rolling and kicking and jabbing throughout the whole reading, and just loves hearing his voice.  I've had to stop the video early a few times because she is banging her head into my ribs. 
Since David's deployment I've been keeping busy with work and homework, and finished up my first semester of my internship.  We've been lucky and have been able to email daily, and I've gotten a phone call every weekend. 

At 33 weeks I walked the mile at the Run for the Warriors race in Jacksonville with some of the wonderful women I work with and my mom and younger sister.  We also had members of our staff run the 5k and the 10k.  It was great to be part of such a wonderful event, and the weather was perfect.  I'm glad I'm still active and mobile enough to participate!

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