Sunday, May 15, 2011

Second Trimester

Wow! I'm really bad at keeping up with this blog. We've had a lot happen since my last post! Our little beansprout is a GIRL!  Kaylee Dee was most uncooperative for her initial ultrasound at 17 weeks, and we had to go back at 24 weeks.  Her sweet little profile melted our hearts immediately. 
Belly shot at 25 weeks!  Kaylee Dee has really started poking out, and I've got so much energy.  In just a few weeks David will deploy to Afghanistan, so we will be going to get a 4-D ultrasound done so he can take a picture of his little girl with him. 

We can't wait to kiss those cute little cheeks! 26 weeks, 6 days.  We got some beautiful pictures of our little girl.  The technology is just amazing, and such a great way for David to "see" his little girl before he leaves.

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